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Lorenzo Tamai was born in Ravenna, Italy, in 1984. He lives and works in Milan.

In 2007 he obtained the academic diploma in Visual Arts with Professor Claudio Olivieri at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan), and in 2009 ends the two years of specialization in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies at the same academy with Professor Bert Theis.

Mainly a painter and sensibly compatible with poetry, Lorenzo Tamai uses several languages and techiques, ranging from painting to drawing, photos, digital and paper collages, writing, video, sculpture, performance and audio.

His painting is in continuous transit between idea and figuration, not stopping on one or the other.
Made of intuition and sometimes improvvisation it seems to follow a secret thread.

"My encounter with painting was born with "God" (the title of the painting), noticed in the studio by my painting teacher who asked my colleagues to call me while I was at home.
That day I realized that perhaps I could do something genuinely useful that could express gratitude and triumph over any non-being, death or dust."





let go